Category Archives: General

forest fire

Taapa – Digest for August 2021

ತಾಪ (Kannada: taapa; heat, fire) August was the month of warnings and wildfires. The IPCC released its “most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system” as part of its Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). The Physical Science Basis is the first of the multi-part AR6. Explore it through the many datasets on this interactive atlas. And […]


Dhaara – Digest for July 2021

धारा (dhaara; stream) Greetings for a new month! Rain is one of the things that sets a dhaara, a stream, in motion. Record rainfall in July triggered streams and rivers to flood many regions across the country. It’s rarely possible to tame the forces of nature. Have a go at this simulation game by the UN […]

Monsoons in Goa

Petrichor – Digest for Jun 2021

Petrichor Salud! No, you did not sign up for this. But do stay for a bit. And then some. This is our first monthly digest. We hope to encapsulate our activities and learnings from the last month, highlight the work being done by grantees, post announcements, amplify asks from the network and pin environment-related information […]

Sycamore Fig by Patricia Barden

Trees as “forests”

Viewing ‘keystone’ species as networking-hubs for interactions within an ecosystem As city-dwellers, if we had to describe a forest, we would be talking about a wild space with lots of trees, shrubs, herbs and climbers densely packed, growing atop one another. Thousands of insects, birds, herbivores, snakes and lizards sprawled all across. Close enough? More […]

Journalism grants

Messaging is a Climate Change Solution

As we try and find solutions that can address climate change and ecological degradation, we do realize this cannot just be confined to the small confines of research, projects run on grant funding and pilots and experiments. The current structures around our choices, our food, our economies, our industries are a very big part of […]

Introducing the Rainmatter Foundation

Zerodha is now the largest stock broker in India, and one of the key reasons for our success is that neither revenue nor “growth” have ever been our primary goals. The chase has always been creating quality and impact—building high quality, accessible technology and services to offer to retail investors, to offer free and open […]